Upasna A Agarwal
PhD, IIT, Bombay
Area & Groups
Organizational Behavior & HRM
Ph D (IIT, Bombay); Master in Business Administration (MBA), Masters in Labour Law (MLL)
- Agarwal, U. A., Gupta, M., & Cooke, F. L. (2022). Knowledge hide and seek: Role of ethical leadership, self-enhancement and job-involvement. Journal of Business Research, 141, 770-781; IF:7.1; ABDC- A-SCI
- Datta, S., Budhwar, P., Agarwal, U. A., & Bhargava, S. (2021). Impact of HRM practices on innovative behaviour: mediating role of talent development climate in Indian firms. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 1-26. IF:5.5; ABDC SCI
- Agarwal, U. A., Avey, J., & Wu, K. (2021). How and when abusive supervision influences knowledge hiding behavior: evidence from India. Journal of Knowledge Management. IF:8.1; ABDC, SSCI
- Agarwal, U. A., Dixit, V., Nikolova, N., Jain, K., & Sankaran, S. (2021). A psychological contract perspective of vertical and distributed leadership in project-based organizations. International Journal of Project Management, 39(3), 249-258.IF:7.17; SCI, ABDC-A
- Agarwal, U. A., & Anantatmula, V. (2021). Psychological Safety Effects on Knowledge Sharing in Project Teams. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. IF 6.14; ABDC SSCI
- Bansal, N., & Agarwal, U. A. (2021). Linkage Among Work-Life Balance, Psychological Capital, and Life Satisfaction: Testing a Spillover-Crossover Model Among Indian Dual-Working Couples. In Emotion, Well-Being, and Resilience (pp. 323-337). Apple Academic Press.
- Avey, J. B., Agarwal, U., & Gill, J. K. (2021). How does abusive supervision hurt employees? The role of positive psychological capital. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management. IF 3.5, ABDC ESCI
- Agarwal, U. A., & Avey, J. B. (2020). Abusive supervisors and employees who cyberloaf: examining the roles of psychological capital and contract breach. Internet Research. IF: 8.5; ABDC, SCI, SSCI
- Agarwal, Upasna A (2019). Impact of Supervisors’ Perceived Communication Style on Subordinate’s Psychological Capital and Cyberloafing. Australasian Journal of Information Systems.
- Rai, A., & Agarwal, U. A (2019) Linking Interactional Injustice to EVLN Outcomes: Effects of Psychological Contract Violation and Conscientiousness (A moderated mediation model), International Journal of Organizational Analysis. IF: 2.5 ; ABDC SSCI
- Agarwal, U., & Narayana, S. A. (2020). Impact of relational communication on buyer–supplier relationship satisfaction: role of trust and commitment. Benchmarking: An International Journal. IF: 5.; ABDC ESCI
- Rai, A., & Agarwal, U. A. (2020). Examining the impact of justice perceptions on workplace bullying: a moderated mediational model of PCV and PDO. Personnel Review. IF 3.8; ABDC SSCI
- Rai, A., & Agarwal, U. A. (2020). Examining Fit Perceptions and Workplace Bullying Relationship: The Moderating role of Power Distance Orientation, IIMB Review. IF 2.9; ESCI, ABDC
- Bansal, N., & Agarwal, U. A. (2019). Direct and Indirect effects of Work-Family Enrichment: Moderating Role of Gender Role Ideology. International journal of productivity and performance. IF 3.5; ABDC ESCI
- Rai, A., & Agarwal, U. A. (2019). Examining the Relationship between Personality Traits and Exposure to Workplace Bullying. Global Business Review. IF; 2.1; ABDC ESCI
- Agarwal, U. A., & Rai, A. (2019). Exploring Bullying Among Indian Managers: A Grounded Theory Approach. Journal of Asia Business Studies. IF;3.5; ABDC SSCI
- Agarwal, Upasna A (2018), Examining links between Abusive supervision, PsyCap, LMX and Outcomes. Management Decision. IF; 5.5 ABDC
- Rai, A., & Agarwal, U. A. (2018). Workplace Bullying and EVLN Outcomes- Psychological Contract Violation as mediator and Workplace Friendship as moderator. International Journal of Manpower. IF; 2.3 ABDC, SSCI
- Rai, A., & Agarwal, U. A (2018). Impact of Workplace Bullying on Employee Outcomes: A Study of Indian Managerial Employees. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management. IF: 3.5; ABDC B
- Agarwal, Upasna A, Gupta, V. (2018). Examining the Mediating and Moderating Effects of Engagement and Conscientiousness for the Job Characteristics and Intention to Quit Relationship. Personnel Review. IF: 3.8; ABDC SSCI
- Rai, A., & Agarwal, U. A. (2018). Workplace Bullying and Employee Silence: A Moderated Mediation Model of Psychological Contract Violation and Workplace Friendship. Personnel Review, 47 (1), 226-256. . IF: 3.8; ABDC SSCI
- Rai, A., & Agarwal, U. A. (2018). Examining Workplace Bullying-Outcomes Relationships among Indian Managers: Psychological Contract Violation as Mediator and Workplace Friendship as Moderators. Employee Relations. IF: 2.8; ABDC -B
- Rai, A., & Agarwal, U. A. (2018). A Review of Literature on Mediators and Moderators of Workplace Bullying: Agenda for Future Research. Management Research Review. IF: 3.7; ABDC
- Agarwal, U.A. and Gupta, R.K., (2018). Examining the Nature and Effects of Psychological Contract: Case Study of an Indian Organization. Thunderbird International Business Review. IF: 1.8; ABDC
- Agarwal, U., & Gupta, M. (2018). "Communication Styles of Millennials: Trends and Relevance for the Industry". The Indian Journal of Industrial Relations, 47, 485-497.
- Rai, A., & Agarwal, U.A. (2017). Exploring the Process of Workplace Bullying in Indian Organizations: a Grounded Theory Approach. South Asian Journal of Business Studies, 6 (3), 247-273. IF: 3.2; ABDC
- Rai, A., & Agarwal, U. A. (2017). Linking Workplace Bullying and Work Engagement: The Mediating Role of Psychological Contract Violation. South Asian Journal of Human Resources Management, 4(1), 42-71. IF: 1.5; ESCI, ABDC
- Rai, A., & Agarwal, U. A. (2017). Workplace bullying among Indian managers: prevalence, sources and bystanders' reactions. International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management, 15(1), 58-81. Listed as “C” journal in ABDC List, Scopus, ECSI and ABS Indexed
- Rai, A., & Agarwal, U. A. (2016). Workplace Bullying: A Review and Future Research Directions. South Asian Journal of Management, 23(3), 27. IF: 1.8; ESCI, ABDC
- Agarwal, U.A (2017). Linking Psychological Contract Breach, Innovative work behavior and collectivism: A Moderated Mediation Model. International Journal of Innovation Management. IF-2.0 ; ESCI, ABDC
- Gupta, V., Agarwal, U.A. and Khatri, N., (2016). The relationships between perceived organizational support, affective commitment, psychological contract breach, organizational citizenship behaviour and work engagement. Journal of Advanced nursing, 72(11), pp.2806-2817. IF- 3.1 ; SCI
- Agarwal, U.A., (2016). Examining perceived organizational politics among Indian managers: engagement as mediator and locus of control as moderator. International Journal of Organizational Analysis, 24(3). IF-2.0 ; ESCI, ABDC
- Agarwal, U.A. and Gupta, R.K., (2018). Examining the Nature and Effects of Psychological Contract: Case Study of an Indian Organization. Thunderbird International Business Review. IF- 1.8 ; ABDC
- Bansal, N. and Agarwal, U.A. (2017). Examining the Gap between Availability and Expectations of Work-Life Balance Practices: The employee’s perspective. Indian Journal of Industrial Relations, 52(3), pp. 528-42. Listed as “C” journal in ABDC List. INDIAN
- Bansal, N. and Agarwal, U.A. (2017). Exploring Work-Life Balance among Indian Dual Working Parents: A Qualitative Study. Journal of Management Research. IF- 1.8 ; ABDC
- Mehta NKM and Agarwal UA (2017), Hari Sadu Vs Subordinate. The Splendid Melee at workplace. IUP Journal of Soft Skills.- INDIAN
- Rai & Agarwal, U. A. (2017). Exploring Nature of Workplace Bullying and Psychometric Properties of Negative Acts Questionnaire- Revised (NAQ-R) In Indian Organizations. Journal of Indian Business Research. IF-2.2; ABDC.
- Bansal, N., & Agarwal, U. A. (2017). The gap between availability & expectations of work-life practices. Indian Journal of Industrial Relations, 52(3), 528-542.
- Datta, S. Agarwal, U. (2017) Factors Effecting Career Advancement Of Indian Women Managers". South Asian Journal of Business Studies. IF-3.2; ABDC.
- Agarwal, U. A., & Jha, S. (2015). Human resource practices in Indian SMEs--an exploratory study. Indian Journal of Industrial Relations, 50(4), 680-696. IF-2.2; ABDC.
- Agarwal, U.A., & Dasgupta, P. (2015).Role of Job Satisfaction and different commitments on turnover intentions of nurses. Indian Journal of Training & Development. - INDIAN
- Agarwal, U. A., & Bhargava, S. (2014). The role of social exchange on work outcomes: a study of Indian managers. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 25(10), 1484-1504. IF- 5.4; SCI
- Agarwal, UA (2014). Linking justice, trust and innovative work behaviour to work engagement. Personnel Review, 43(1), 41-73. Listed as “A” journal in ABDC List, Scopus, ECSI and ABS Indexed. . IF: 3.8; ABDC SSCI
- Agarwal, U. (2014). Examining the impact of social exchange relationships on innovative work behaviour: Role of work engagement. Team Performance Management, 20(3/4), 102-120. IF: 2.1; ABDC
- Agarwal, U. A. (2014). Examining PCB-Outcomes Relationship: Moderating Role of Individualism. Vikalpa, 39(2), 99.NA.
- D’souza, K. C., Agarwal, U. A., & Chavali, U. (2013). Demographic Profiling of the locus of Control of Employees Evidence from India. Management and Labour Studies, 38(4), 335-356. NA.- INDIAN
- Agarwal, U. A., & Bhargava, S. (2013). Effects of psychological contract breach on organizational outcomes: moderating role of tenure and educational levels. Vikalpa, 38(1), 13. NA- INDIAN
- Agarwal, U. A., Datta, S., Blake-Beard, S., & Bhargava, S. (2012). Linking LMX, innovative work behaviour and turnover intentions: The mediating role of work engagement. Career Development International, 17(3), 208-230. Listed as “B” journal in ABDC LIST, Scopus, ECSI and ABS Indexed. IF-3.7
- Aggarwal, U., & D’Souza, K. C. (2012). Transformational leadership: The link between PO fit, psychological contract and signature experiences. The Indian Journal of Industrial Relations, 47, 485-497. Listed as “C” journal in ABDC List.- INDIAN
- Aggarwal, U., & Bhargava, S. (2011). Examining psychological contract contents in India: the employee Perspective. International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management, 4(6), 609-625. Listed as “C” journal in ABDC List.- INDIAN
- Aggarwal, U., & Bhargava, S. (2010). Predictors and outcomes of relational and transactional psychological contract. Psychological Studies, 55(3), 195-207. Listed as “C” journal in ABDC List . Scopus Listed- INDIAN
- Aggarwal, U., & Bhargava, S. (2010). The Effects of Equity Sensitivity, Job Stressors and Perceived Organisational Support on Psychological Contract Breach. Vision: The Journal of Business Perspective, 14(1-2), 45-55. Listed as “C” journal in ABDC List.
- Aggarwal, U., & Bhargava, S. (2009). Exploring psychological contract contents in India: the employee and employer perspective. Journal of Indian Business Research, 1(4), 238-251. Listed as “C” journal in ABDC List and Scopus.
- Aggarwal, U., & Bhargava, S. (2009). Identifying employees’ perceptions of psychological contract: A comparison between IT and BPO employees in India. New Zealand Journal of Human Resource Management, Vol. 9 (1). Listed as “C” journal in ABDC List.
- Aggarwal, U., & Bhargava, S. (2009). Reviewing the relationship between human resource practices and psychological contract and their impact on employee attitude and behaviours: A conceptual model. Journal of European Industrial Training, 33(1), 4-31. Listed as “C” journal in ABDC LIST and Scopus.
- Aggarwal, U., Datta, S., & Bhargava, S. (2007). The relationship between human resource practices, psychological contract and employee engagement–implications for managing talent. IIMB Management Review, 19(3), 313-325. Listed as “B” journal in ABDC List, Scopus and ECSI Indexed
- NITIE (2021). Enhancing Effectiveness of Rural Education in India: Contributing to NEP
- ICSSR (2019) Unravelling the problems, and supportive factors and their impact on the development of Rural Women Entrepreneurs- A State Level Comparative Study
- PMI (USA) (2017) Vertical and Horizontal Leadership in Project Organizations
- ICSSR (2018) Capacity Building of Young Faculty in Research Methodology
- NITIE-Socially Relevant Projects (2014) Human Resource Practices in SME's
- 2020-21, 2021-22 : Sandford Top 2% researcher of the world
- 2019-Higher Education Forum (HEF, 2019), Best Young Teacher award.
- 2018-Association of Indian Management Scholars (AIMA), Young Women Researcher Award
- 2018-World HRD Congress , Best Faculty in Human Resources and Organization Behavior
- 2017-Highly Commended Paper Emerald Publishing Awards
- 2017-National Institute of Industrial Engineering (NITIE) Best Teacher
- 2017-Emerald “Highly Commended” paper award.
- 2014- Emerging Psychologist Award, National Academy of Psychology.
- 2012- Best Paper Award at the 12th International Human Resource Management Conference
- 2010-Excellence in thesis Award (in Management), Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Bombay.
- 2010-Outstanding Paper Award by Emerald Literati Outstanding paper Award
- 2010-Awarded the CIPD Best Paper Award at Aston.
- Managing Unconscious Bias
- Building a Growth Mindset
- The art of Negotiations
- Leading Virtually
- Developing Emotional Intelliegence for managerial success
- Enhancing Managerial effectiveness
- Managing in cross cultural Environment
- Building leadership effectiveness
- Buiding High performance teams
- Effective Communication
Professor In Charge - Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Cell (DEI);
Professor In Charge -Parivartan (Mentorship)- Enhancing Rural Edication using Technology