

Associate Professor

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Area & Groups
Finance, Economics & Strategy

Ph.D.: Jankidevi Bajaj Institute of Management Studies, SNDT Women's University

Fellow Chartered Accountant (FCA): The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India

Graduate Cost and Works Accountant (CWA): The Institute of Cost Accountants of India

M.Phil.: Department of Commerce, School of Management, Alagappa University

  • Ranjani, K. S., Singh, P., & Revulagadda, R. K. (2022). Mission Drift and Scale: An Empirical Analysis of Indian Micro Finance Institutions. Business Perspectives and Research, 22785337211070370.
  • Making Digital Financial Inclusion a Reality. (2015). Economic and Political Weekly, 56(36), 7–8. https://www.epw.in/journal/2021/36/commentary/making-digital-financial-inclusion-reality.html
  • Meherishi, L., Narayana, S. A., & Ranjani, K. S. (2021). Integrated product and packaging decisions with secondary packaging returns and protective packaging management. European Journal of Operational Research292(3), 930-952.
  • Chopra, A., & Ranjani, K. S. (2020). Adoption of digital transaction model by micro enterprises to target millennials in India: An exploratory study. Social Business10(4), 411-434.
  • Ranjani, K. S., & Singh, P. (2019). Reciprocity, performance, and training expenditure in microfinance institutions: evidence from South Asia. Enterprise Development & Microfinance30(2), 97-116.
  • Meherishi, L., Narayana, S. A., & Ranjani, K. S. (2019). Sustainable packaging for supply chain management in the circular economy: A review. Journal of cleaner production237, 117582.
  • Kumar, S., & Ranjani, K. S. (2018). Dividend behaviour of Indian-listed manufacturing and service sector firms. Global Business Review20(1), 179-193.
  • Kumar, S., & Ranjani, K. S. (2018). Financial constraints and investment decisions of listed Indian manufacturing firms. Financial Innovation4(1), 1-17.
  • Ranjani, K. S., & Kumar, S. (2018). An investigation of mission drift in Indian MFI. International Journal of Social Economics.
  • Ranjani, K. S., & Gunta, S. (2018). Hand Dough or Hand-Hold: Dilemma at a Microfinance Institution. NeilsonJournals Publishing.
  • Tewary, T. & Ranjani, K. (2017). The prospects of revival of safta in south Asia: An indian perspective. International Journal of Economic Research, 14(17):547–558.

Sr No

Funding Agency 

Title of Research Project

Project Duration


Month and year


Month and year



Development of micro AWI

September 2017

January 2019



Impact of Skill Development Programmes on borrower and institutional

performance in Indian microfinance Institutions

August 2019

August 2021



Impact of Training Programmes- A meso level study of RSETIs in India

September 2021

February 2023


  • Finance for Non-Finance Executives (27th to 29th Oct 2016)
  • Finance for Non-Finance Executives (18th to 20th Jan 2018)
  • Developing Commercial & Financial skills for Strategic Business Decision (23rd Jan to 6th Feb 2021)
  • Developing Commercial & Financial skills for Strategic Business Decision (6th Dec to 10th Dec 2021)

  • Co-ordinator PGPEX-VLFM
  • Professor in charge Alumni Affairs
  • Member PGP Committee
  • Member Library Committee
  • Professor in charge SPIC MACAY